You can always tell the "do-ers" from the "non-doers." The non-doers, well they are the ones waiting for someone to do it for them. We have several helpful "do-ers" in our boat club. (You know who you are.) Those are the individuals who step forward to help when there is something that clearly needs to be done. We also have our "non-doers." Yes, they made themselves known during and after the recent Pleasant Hill lake flood. Just think, if every able boat club member would help around the boat club (not just mowing,) then wouldn't it make every club members boat season, well, fun? Reach out to one or more of our board members if you need some guidance on what could be done to help out. They are so ready for you to ask them! No special skills required. So, if you wouldn't mind occasionally sharing some of your valuable time to assist on projects around the club, please reach out to Kevin or Wayne. Let them know you can, and are willing to help. You obviously all have some skills, right? So, I'll say it again, "Let's hear it for the Do-ers! Yay!"