The Board of Directors
Pleasant Hill Boat Club, Inc.
Amended Boat Docking and Beach Rules and Regulations 2021 (Amended from 2017; Docking Rules approved by the Board of Directors, September 14, 2017
1. The Pleasant Hill Boat Club shall own and maintain all docks both floating and stationary, as well as, all shore to dock walkways.
2. In case of flood, windstorm, or other emergency, dock space lease holders when notified, are expected to be on hand to help until the emergency has passed. If notified and you do not try to help, a charge of whatever amount deemed fair by the Board of Directors, will be levied against said member.
3. In flood conditions the Commodore or Board may delegate and/or move boats to a more secure location. As soon as the water recedes, pontoon owners must relocate their pontoon boats back to their assigned space, dry dock area, or storage lot.
4. All dock spaces shall be available for a year over year lease at a cost assigned to each style of dock by the Board of Directors. Club members in good standing maintain possession of their existing dock space and cannot be displaced based on another club members seniority.
5. All open dock spaces shall be assigned by the Club Secretary ONLY, who shall maintain a waiting list based on member seniority for dock spaces.
6. All new members and boat owners desiring dock space shall notify the Secretary by no later than March 1. The Club member with the most Club seniority will be given first right of refusal. Members on dock waiting list will lose their seniority position after passing twice on available dock spaces and will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list.
7. Members wishing to change to a different dock space shall notify the Secretary and will be permitted to move, based on Club seniority, when the desired space becomes available.
8. There are four (4) styles of dock space available to members:
Type I - Floating dock and a finger with front and side anchor points.
Type I - Docks shall be reserved for POWER BOATS ONLY
Type II - Floating docks without a finger with front anchor points
Type III- Stationary dock (Bunk board) with a dedicated shore to dock walkway and shared sliding anchor points
Type II and Type III - Docks shall be reserved for Pontoon style boats
Type IV - Dry Dock (boats on trailers)
9. Type II and III boats must be anchored with both bow and stern lines attached to the Club supplied anchor points in such a manner that the boat cannot move outside of the assigned space, when docked.
10. Failure to properly anchor your boat may cause damage to the docks and/or the neighboring boat. This is the responsibility of the boat owner/dock lessee. Any damage caused by improper anchoring or navigation through the channel must be reimbursed.
11. At no time may anything be attached to or installed on any dock, walkway or bunk board unless approved by the Safety Committee and Dock Committee. If an unsafe condition is noted on a dock or walk board, please notify the Commodore, Club Secretary, or a member of the Dock Committee, promptly.
12. The Dock Committee will inspect the docks frequently.
13. Members who have paid to lease a dock may use the Dry Dock area when their boats are not in the water.
14. Dry Dock Area is for boats or pontoons ON TRAILERS ONLY. No empty trailers may be parked in the dry dock area for more than one (1) week. If there is not enough space in the graveled dry dock area to safely store your boat and/or trailer, you should park as close to the area as possible without blocking another member's access to their boat and/or trailer.
15. Empty trailers should be kept at the edge of the woods or in the trailer storage lot.
16. Docks shall not be used by anyone except a Club member.
17. All Lease holders shall keep the shore in their vicinity free of litter or debris.
18. All boats docked on Club property in the water, on a trailer, or dry docked overnight, MUST HAVE A LEGAL AND/OR APPROPRIATE MUSKINGUM WATERSHED CONSERVANCY DISTRICT DOCKING DECAL/PERMIT. No exceptions.
19. The Gate leading to the dock area is to be kept locked after entering or existing.
20. Overnight camping is not allowed on Club property. The MWCD (Conservancy) does allow camping on your boat if it is docked.
21. Club members and guests must observe quiet hours from 11:00PM to 7:00AM while on Club property.
22. New members with power boats and pontoon boats must have a trailer suitable for their boat. The Club trailer is for swim platform, flood emergencies, and existing grandfathered members ONLY.
23. Any Club member using the Club pontoon trailer must complete and sign the pontoon trailer user log. Lending or using the Club trailer for purposes of hauling other than a Club member's pontoon boat is expressly prohibited. Use of the Club trailer is limited to Club house parking area, Club storage area, and Club docks. Users are responsible for any damage to their boat, Club property, or property of others by their actions.
24. If an existing member sells their boat with the intention of buying a new boat, their spot will be held for the remainder of the season. Said member must pay their membership and docking lease fees in full.
25. All dock spaces must be assigned to a specific OH Number and a corresponding MWCD decal. If member cannot provide an OH Number and proof of MWCD Decal, then said dockage spot will be assigned to another member.
26. Campfires are permitted on the beach in calm weather conditions, if in the proper fire pit. It is the member's responsibility to extinguish the fire and clean up the area of all litter before leaving.
27. Use of gate to Please Hill Lake Park Campground is limited in accordance with the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District rules.