March 2013 Newsletter
Hello Boat Club Members,
On March 8, 2013 we had our monthly board meeting. At this meeting we discussed numerous club issues. The following list is a highlight of those issues.
Dock day will be on Sunday May 5th. Dock day will begin at 8:30am for members
who have yet to pay dues and fines. Pat and myself will be at the clubhouse at 8:30am to collect any past due fees and fines
All boat stickers will also be issued at this time. This includes all dry dock and in the water stickers. We are doing this before the meeting to help speed up the process. If you want to put your boat into the water prior to dock in day, please contact Pat Ousley to get your sticker.
For all members who are current with dues and fines, the meeting will begin at 9:00am.
Just like last year we are going to enforce the rule pertaining to when club dues are expected.
The yearly dues are due no later than Monday April 1, 2013. Any power boat dock owner or pontoon spot holder who misses this deadline will forfeit their spot in the water. We have 3
members on the waiting list for pontoon spots, and one waiting on a power boat spot.
If for some reason you are experiencing a hardship and cannot meet this date, please contact Wayne or myself to try to work out a resolution.
If you are a member who has an old power boat dock that is located in the upper field and has not been in the water for the last couple of years we plan on disassembling these docks and discarding them. If you want your old dock please notify us prior to dock day. If we hear nothing about them from members we will assume that they are not wanted and they will be disposed of. If you know of an ex-member who may own one of these docks, please
contact them and share the news letter so they can be informed as well.
We are going to handle food for the meeting a little differently. The club will supply coffee, donuts and bagels. Because of lack of participation in eating after dock day we will not be having food after the work day is complete.
We will be issuing and re-cutting new keys this year. Please bring your keys from last year so they can be re-cut. We will have extra keys at the meeting for anyone who needs additional keys.
As always any member who does not attend dock in day will be fined $50.00. The board will determine what is considered an allowable excuse for missing dock day. Please notify
Wayne or myself in advance if you are unable to attend dock in day.
We also have a couple of things that need to be done if the dock in day date does not work for you. There is a lot of debris in the lower field from a late flood last year. This can be picked up in lieu of attending dock day.
Pat is also going to paint the inside of the club house and is looking for volunteers. This can also be done instead of attending dock day. Contact Pat if you would like to help.
We will also be asking for additional volunteers for the mowing committee. If we can get a few
more volunteers everyone will only have to mow once per summer. Please consider volunteering when asked at dock in day.
We will not be sending out dock repair sheets this year. When the docks were pulled from the water in the fall we marked all noticeable points of needed repair with orange marker paint.
There may be some that we items missed on dock out day. Please look over your dock carefully and make all necessary repairs. Please make sure all repairs are made prior to dock in day. Power boat docks will not be put in the water until the marked repairs are made. If this falls after dock in day, the dock will be left out of the water for the year.
We have decided to have a party this year. It will be on July 20th, 2013. This is also
Christmas in July at the campgrounds. The party will be on the beach (weather permitting) and will start at 1:00pm. We will be doing a hog roast and there will be no charge to Members. Please bring a covered dish to share. We will be sending out reminders throughout the spring and early summer. Please plan on attending. Donations will be accepted.
Thanks to the people for getting their dues in on time. It makes the paper work considerably
See you on dock day.
Kevin Hardesty